Fields that we serve
We can make it happen
The amount of information we produce today can be translated into actionable insights. Therefore, Big Data classifies the information collected and draws relevant conclusions that help improve operations in all fields. Tunabear applies these principles in all fields to drive our clients to better performance.

Educational Institutes
Data and education have gone together since schools began keeping grade books. Today, big data goes far beyond the old way of qualification involving information like student backgrounds, performance, behavior, and even emotional learning across schools, districts, and states.

Local & State Government
Artificial intelligence means high-performance computing and hardware-enabled security features. Because of that, our AI helps governments accomplish more within tight budgets, automate tedious tasks, enhance mission-critical capabilities, and research breakthroughs.

Insurance executives must understand the factors contributing to this change and how AI will reshape claims, distribution, underwriting, and pricing. In Tunabear we build the skills and talent to embrace the emerging technologies to work with the Insurance companies.

Financial Services
Financial institutions are using AI-powered solutions to unlock revenue growth opportunities, minimize operating expenses, and automate manually intensive processes. Since all Bank institutions have enormous amounts of data we work side by side with them to help them utilize these rich data sets.

We apply Big data processing in every industry. In manufacturing, big data can include data collected at every production stage, including the ones from machines, devices, and operators. We help companies use this data to improve their processes and make them more efficient, avoiding wasting time and money.

Using AI (Artificial intelligence) our service can automate in-store operations and reduce operational expenses in retail stores. It can replace personnel to assist customers, reduce queues through cashier-less payment, replenish stock by real-time stock monitoring, digitize store displays, and more.

Main Location
Tunabear Consulting Services
11711 Hillcrest Rd.
TX 75230-3109
+1 888-882-7988
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